Adult Prices (prices are subject to change)
Regular – even cut $32
Regular – even cut + Mustache trim $37
Regular + Beard trim $40
Fade, Taper, style cut $37
Fade, or Taper, style cut + Mustache trim $42
Fade, or Taper, style cut + Beard trim $47
Beard trim $20
Mustache trim $10
Long hair cuts add $10 to the above prices.
Shape Ups $20
Shape Ups +Beard trim $32
Youth Prices (prices are subject to change)
Regular – even cut $20
Regular – even cut + Mustache trim $23
Regular + Beard trim $25
Fade, Taper, style cut $25
Fade, or Taper, style cut + Mustache trim $28
Fade, or Taper, style cut + Beard trim $33
Beard trim $15
Mustache trim $5
Long hair cuts add $5 to the above prices.
Shape Ups $10 Shape Ups + Beard trim $20
Toddler Cuts (even cuts only) (4 to 9 y/o) $15